Wednesday, April 26, 2006

We had a little Hanami at the local park, same as last year though it was a bit of a Hanamimasen, as most of the Sakura had gone, but it's always nice to have an excuse to sit around drinking and chatting with friends.

So where is everyone going to for Golden Week? We'll be taking the trek down to Aso again this year. Nicky's been busy preparing her latest additions to her shop. This year she's selling lamps, candleholders, and cushion covers, as well as her photo's. I might take down a few of me whilltlin knives, so people can join me in an afternoons whilltlin if they, or I, feel so inclined.
Quite looking forward to it. Always a nice chance to catch up with

As always I hope the weather behaves itself. Of course it will rain, it justs depends on how much and for how long.
Up here we're a still a little behind schedule with regards to the vegetables, and there's still a big pile of logs that don't seem to be getting any smaller no matter how much i keep chopping..Oh well when the Skies blue, and the sun's shining it feels like it will all be alright in the end.....
Friday, April 07, 2006
Well blow me if it isnt April already!
Now I've had one or two comments about my posts, or lack of, so thought i'd better write something, but what you have to remember is ....S...L...O...W L...I...F...E...
Anyway so whats been happening up at the farm well in a word..mulching!!
Quite what that means, I'll leave up to you!
Hooray Hooray, Hanami is here today!!
It's that time again! Now, what I love best about Hanami, even more than sitting around with all your favourite people and getting hammered, is it still never fails to make me go 'Wow, isn't it pretty!'
I think I was actually the least impressed the 1st time, but ever since then I have that moment.
Nothing's in bloom up at the house, so our local Hanami will probably be in a couple of weeks time, which is good, as it means that for anyone who wants to come, you can go to all the Hanami parties in Hiroshima you want, and just as it's all finished, you can come out here and do it all over again!! Marvellous!
Now I've been designing a new herb garden at home using some of the old rubbish that was lying around in the fields, so soon we'll have 'Parsely, sage, rosemary, and thyme' growing out of some old car tyres, and lemon balm, lemon grass and others sprouting from old pots and pans.
It should all look very nice, but it's actually there to mask the errm aroma that comes out of the septic tank.
And on that rather fragrant note I`ll say adieu.

'Ello again me lovelies Farmer Jon 'ere, now bet that suprised you? two updates in two days..
Well, I wanted to put up a few photos, but i cant get the blasted thing to work!!
I dont quite understand all this new fangled technology. I still yearn for the days of quills and parchment of me youth!
Now, it must be Spring as me postbag is full to buristin' with questions about brassicas, legumes and wotnot so I'll just delve on in there and pull one out..
It's from Mr Moriwaki of Tonoga and he writes 'Dear Farmer Jon, I've got all me onions, carrots, and pototatoes in the ground but doesnt look like youve got anything sown. Why?'
Well, Ha Ha Ha! He's a real joker is Moriwaki, and all i can say is that whilst it's true that I'm a bit behind schedule, he had better watch out that no-one doesn't creep down at night and spray all his bloomin' veggies with pesticide!!
but seriously, he has got a point, and the heart of the matter is...time! Where does it all go? What does it all mean? How does it all work?These are the big questions I often find meself contemplatin' while I sit on the engawa hoping for the answers to come.....nothing through yet, though, I'm afraid.
I still have a whole heap of logs to get chopped up and stacked ready for drying , as well as cutting down all the weeds in the fields, let alone sowing me seeds, planting me plants, and err digging me digs?!?
So what am i doing here on a beautiful day like today? No reason, better go...