Monday, June 05, 2006

I know I'm always the first to have a go when its raining so better balance it out to say how great the weathers been lately, nothing can bring a smile to my lips quicker then waking up to blue skies and the prospect of a sunny day ahead...marvellous.
Yesterday we both had to be up at 5.30!! to help out with the village clean up day..all very community spirited, but 5.30 on a Sunday!! Perleeeease! Anyway by the time we'd got some tools together and wandered down the street it was all over. Not really sure what was achieved but me and nicky set to by slashing down some weeds before heading home.
As we had some visitors coming we carried on busily working away at home...and both the house and the fields havent looked so good in a long time.
Ive just about finished chopping up the once huge pile of trees into nice sized logs.

Now with the sun beggining to steam through the windows I'd better get going and do some work on all the other things that ive been putting off for so long..rivers to dam, mountains to move, floors to be laid etc etc...still on days like these everything seems possible..
ps we bought a new car the other the old one only better....