Friday, July 21, 2006
`ello me luvvers well the 21st of July always has special meaning for me as it was on this day that I first arrived in Japan.
So today marks 5 years since I landed into a steamy cicada filled world..well how times have a changed, now here i sit in a sodden peaceful world (all cicadas silent, presumed drowned) .
As often has been the case i really wasn't expecting to be here this long, and as so often is the case now that I am here I cant think of what I would do if I left...
I certainly wasnt expecting to be now living in the mountains of Hiroshima-ken, joint owner of an old farm, shortly to be married to the woman who (romantically enough) was the first person I met in Hiroshima those 5 years ago.
Which surely just goes to show that we can never relly know what will become of us...which is a good thing otherwise our lives would be that little less exciting ...
So today marks 5 years since I landed into a steamy cicada filled world..well how times have a changed, now here i sit in a sodden peaceful world (all cicadas silent, presumed drowned) .
As often has been the case i really wasn't expecting to be here this long, and as so often is the case now that I am here I cant think of what I would do if I left...
I certainly wasnt expecting to be now living in the mountains of Hiroshima-ken, joint owner of an old farm, shortly to be married to the woman who (romantically enough) was the first person I met in Hiroshima those 5 years ago.
Which surely just goes to show that we can never relly know what will become of us...which is a good thing otherwise our lives would be that little less exciting ...
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Well ello again me luvvers!
It`s been a reet busy time for all of us these pass few weeks not enuff 'ours in the day to scrape together some lines for this 'ere blog.
First up on the list is our new kitchen table..built from scratch one afternoon she's (she/he??!!!) is a real beauty...which until I get some snaps online you'll have to take me word for... big enough to lie down and sleep on though so tall that you wouldnt want to. Its made a real change to our eating cooking arrangements.
With a proper kitchen still a long way off dream, the table has at last made it possible to cook, eat, sit, write, read, all at the same time....
Another thing has been that we've started is re-flooring the storeroom... beams have been laid, adjusted, and aligned, and half the floorboards have already bee nailed down, another hard days graft will see the job complete and for the first time since I first opened the door and put me foot through the floor all them years ago will we be able to walk around comfortably.
With a proper floor this opens up whole new possibilities to guests staying..they can have their own little house of their own and might start us having some paying guests pension stylee or maybe some WOOF means for the wedding we can house even more people..
hmm really have to get them wedding invites sent out soon...weve been planning to send them since january...all be finished by the time we get round to it, or we'll have a wedding planned for 150 people attended by the two of us and the pets....
On the subjuect of pets its been a bit traumatic these last days as poor little Bobbi has had her 'operation' she was a bit down for a few days which hasnt been helped by the fact that she now has to wear a big green collar type thingy round her head for another week..
means she cant see none too well though also means she cant chew her way through everything...
One of the cats has been so freaked out with Bobbbi's new headgear that he hasnt set foot inside the house since...instead just hisses at Bobbi through the windows.
And theres more, just the other day Id just finished cutting the fields (again, again) when I decided to re-mud a wall in the kitchen. I found an old bag of clay and set to. its like making mud pies as a kid only better though possibly messier.
This wall used to be my favorite feature of the house as i would tell anyone whod listen when we first moved here, though now a couple of years on and it just looked well, old, cracked and seen better days ( know how it feels! ha!). Still one squidgy mud plastered few hours and it now looks as good as new (sadly didnt work the same for me).

Aahhh well better bring this to a close, lots more to tell, but i think blogs are more user friendly in bite sized chunks rather than book form.
Just to add that I'm missing having much contact with what few friends we still have in Hiroshima, and missing also some nightlife action....missed the Dangerous Drums night of a few weeks ago which reminded me of a very cool night the last time they were here...oh well, used to pride meself on having me finger on the pulse of the Hiroshima scene, now dont seem to recognise anybody when I'm in town....thats country life for yer.... lets all get to the beach soon......
farmer jon
It`s been a reet busy time for all of us these pass few weeks not enuff 'ours in the day to scrape together some lines for this 'ere blog.

With a proper kitchen still a long way off dream, the table has at last made it possible to cook, eat, sit, write, read, all at the same time....

With a proper floor this opens up whole new possibilities to guests staying..they can have their own little house of their own and might start us having some paying guests pension stylee or maybe some WOOF means for the wedding we can house even more people..
hmm really have to get them wedding invites sent out soon...weve been planning to send them since january...all be finished by the time we get round to it, or we'll have a wedding planned for 150 people attended by the two of us and the pets....
On the subjuect of pets its been a bit traumatic these last days as poor little Bobbi has had her 'operation' she was a bit down for a few days which hasnt been helped by the fact that she now has to wear a big green collar type thingy round her head for another week..

One of the cats has been so freaked out with Bobbbi's new headgear that he hasnt set foot inside the house since...instead just hisses at Bobbi through the windows.
And theres more, just the other day Id just finished cutting the fields (again, again) when I decided to re-mud a wall in the kitchen. I found an old bag of clay and set to. its like making mud pies as a kid only better though possibly messier.

Aahhh well better bring this to a close, lots more to tell, but i think blogs are more user friendly in bite sized chunks rather than book form.
Just to add that I'm missing having much contact with what few friends we still have in Hiroshima, and missing also some nightlife action....missed the Dangerous Drums night of a few weeks ago which reminded me of a very cool night the last time they were here...oh well, used to pride meself on having me finger on the pulse of the Hiroshima scene, now dont seem to recognise anybody when I'm in town....thats country life for yer.... lets all get to the beach soon......
farmer jon