Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The problem apparently was that last year in the typhoon a mudslide had washed a load of trees rubble etc into the river. It meant a load of free firewood for us, and it also meant that some pipe that was always blasting out water 24/7 had to be shut off....in fact the consequence of the typhoon was calm at our place and lead to us making our forest, relaxation, hammock, zone or as we now call it ..the 'Sanctuary'.
It had become a great spot to hang around in, it felt like we had created someplace special, somewhere that you could cool off from the summer heat, relax, unwind, chill.
Even the workmen would come down in their lunch breaks and sit and eat their bento's in a place that a few months ago no-one would have given a second glance.
They did all that and at the end of the week they have effectively destroyed it....thanks guys.
No, consultation, nothing, and now the pipe is once again back blasting out water. And where just a few days before the stream trickled happily over rocks, giving life to all the plants and insects instead now lies a dying, stagnant, muddy, puddle....such is progress??!! in our world today....but never fear for I the countryside eco warrior will set forth today and attempt to right what has been done wrong and if i have to pickaxe the whole massive dam they have constructed then so be it!!
For those of you Countryfile longterm fans, yes, thats you that is..you will recall that back at the Tondo festival I overheard a rather nice comment about 'gaijin' from one of the old ladies in the village.Well last night was the villages Bon-Odori festival and Nicky overheard a rather distressing comment about 'gaijiin' that makes me a little sad..
It was from one of our students, a kid that we have watched growup, we know all the family, been to his house, etc etc in fact back before he was a junior high school kid he used to run up to me and fling his arms round me and say jon-daiski....get the picture??
Anyway so he's there last night with a friend, some kid I dont know, some-one who like many of the people at the festival last night come back once a year to spend time praying at the ancestors graves before scuttling back to the oh so convienient world of the city.
Nicky says 'hello' and he says 'hello' back and this friend says 'Is that your English teacher?' (yes she is) but Kazuki replies 'No, shes just a foreigner'.
I didnt hear any of this, I was busy chatting to some of the villagers who I havent seen for a while, like Moriwaki Denki Man, as we call him, who makes me feel a whole lot better about my alcohol consumption by being consistently the most p*ssed man in the village by a long way.
When Nicky told me what she heard I wanted to run up to Kazuki and tell him 'Your names Kazuki, my names Jon, but your friends name I dont know. I live up that mountain you live way over that mountain, your friend, I dont know. I live in Tonoga, you live in Kami Tomo, your friend, I dont know....in short Kazuki just who is the foreigner here??? Your friend who I dont know, you, from the next village, or me, the guy who lives up that mountain?? Who???
I wanted to say all this but I didnt, ultimately whats the point? True from now on I will view this kid in a different way, I doubt I will ever be quite as friendly to him again, and the family also I will be just that little bit more wary of....such is progress??!!? in our world today.

On a happier note, the beautiful weather of the last few weeks has meant we've been to the beach for the last three Sundays at Hamada, Festa de Rama and Oshima. Ive been up in the mountains with friends, out in the city with friends, been to bars with friends, been playing in the sea with friends, listening to music with friends, hanging out at the house with friends, laughing and enjoying with friends.
Friends come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.
that is real progress in our world today.

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farmer jon,
chris moore here, the lad from NZ living in Hiroshima. If you remember we went to Hamada together what seems like quite a while ago.
I am going up to Lake Hijiri in Geihoku (just off route 191) on Saturday with a friend and wife to be (yes, marriage at the end of September) and was thinking of coming by and having a nosey around your place. I mean that in a polite way - are you going to be in? Would you mind us popping by for 30 minutes or so? Would like to do something similar in a couple of years and keen to see how things are coming along and show the bride what can be done. I've been there once before with Aaron Symonds a couple of years ago so I kind of know how to get there but, if you are going to be in, could you give me some directions? My email address is andbokuha@yahoo.co.jp
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chris moore here, the lad from NZ living in Hiroshima. If you remember we went to Hamada together what seems like quite a while ago.
I am going up to Lake Hijiri in Geihoku (just off route 191) on Saturday with a friend and wife to be (yes, marriage at the end of September) and was thinking of coming by and having a nosey around your place. I mean that in a polite way - are you going to be in? Would you mind us popping by for 30 minutes or so? Would like to do something similar in a couple of years and keen to see how things are coming along and show the bride what can be done. I've been there once before with Aaron Symonds a couple of years ago so I kind of know how to get there but, if you are going to be in, could you give me some directions? My email address is andbokuha@yahoo.co.jp
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